Finding our ground and agency amidst the pandemic, protests, faltering economy, work and school from home, and the political landscape is a daily necessity. This session takes us back to the basics of leadership presence and the self as our primary source of power. Building a competence to listen, not react, is urgently needed in all. If we react to triggers without recentering to what is important, the outcomes have unintended consequences. Decisions about our organizational health, workforce, business model, succession, leadership across new workspace dimensions, shifting organizational cultures, and board leadership are just a few of the areas of shifting certainty and uncertainty. The one constant is the need for exemplary leadership with a presence vibrant enough to engage and empower others. Myers and Tolliver help us increase our capacity to be more self-aware so we see others more clearly and hear their perspectives. This session is ideal for anyone in a leadership role from the frontline staff to the boardroom.
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