Blind Spots in the Boardroom

Join us for an exciting, in-depth conversation on the topic of Organization Alignment. We’ll address some of the challenges credit unions are facing today, the researched strategies for achieving an empowered and aligned organization, and the important improvements needed in the financial services industry.

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Merge for the Right Reasons

Broadcast date: Thursday, June 24, 2021

Should your credit union consider a merger?

In their latest podcast, Deedee and Peter discuss how building a proactive strategy can set you up for success regardless of which side of the table you’re sitting on.

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Using Crucial Data to Align Your CU

Broadcast date: Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Fourth Industrial Revolution necessitates that credit unions employ data-driven decision making to refine their financial operations and maximize razor-thin spreads. During this webinar, we’ll walk through how some credit unions are employing DDDM to more broadly evolve their operations, focus their talent, and deliver greater value to the membership.

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Preparing Your Board for the Coming Decade

Broadcast date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The average board member is now in the midst of, at least, their third major governance challenge. Most board members today played critical roles during the Great Recession, have overseen a change in CEOs, and now find themselves navigating an increasingly complex and unpredictable confluence of external variables. The potential role and capability of boards in the 2020s will undoubtedly be informed by the last ten years of governance practices.

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Simple, Innovative Steps for Aligning Your Board

Broadcast date: Thursday, September 10, 2020

Take a deep dive into the common challenges that credit union boards face, and the cutting edge methods available to overcome them. We’re sharing the easy steps boards can take to get more aligned, stay aligned, and realign if needed. We’re also talking about ways boards can handle the tougher topics that often go unaddressed.

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